OK, so you've tried all the ringtones from the tv, and havnt found the one! Now you can download your own personally recorded
ringtone, be the envy of all your friends.
All you have to do, is email me your email address using the noticeboard, and tell me what you want me to say and do, I'll record it - to the best of my ability, with all the enthusiasm I can muster at the time and then send it to you! You can live the rest of your life happy in the comfort that you can never feel like a fool when you reach for your phone on a false alarm, Yours is the only one with Your tone!
Terms and conditions of promotion. This offer is subject to the terms and conditions mentioned here. Here is where you will find the promotional conditions, and indeed the terms of agreement drawn up to ensure the smooth running of the promotion and to cover my own ass if anything goes wrong. Ringtone may be delivered to you via email, connection from your own equipment to your own equipment is
therfore your own problem, Ringtone may be mp3 format and therefore your style of phone must be able to use this format. Ringtone may be silence or white / brown noise, as is the current vogue and styling of §÷µñ¦>< §÷µñ¦>< does not take responcilibilibty for his own actions, or the actions of any another person, animal,vegetable or mineral.Offer valid until end of 31st January 1986.
This website is maintained and hosted on Linux servers in Cardiff, UK by me.
The servers are mirrored by Isurus.com with many thanks to Simon.
It is coded mostly using Vi, or at least the edit function of MC,
but also sometimes using Notepad++ or wordpad on Window$.
Images are processed using GIMP, Imagemagick or PSP7.
It was designed to be 800 pixels wide in 2003 to ensure resolution issues are not big issues.
This has proven to be a good move as the website works as is on most smart phones.
More information on the freely available software is available from the link on the sites home page.
If you have any questions, just contact me using the message function on the home page.