Yeah, We got Pi! | ||
after writing Raspbian os to sd card and powering up with monitor keyboard and mouse :
On Linux I can mount the SD card before it goes in the Pi and alter the file without needing to go wired. Configure multiple wifi networks from cmd sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces
usb-rs232 comms?? On Raspbian the shell is by default accessable on the serial pins of the pi so we can again headlessly log in to a command line by using PuTTY and a Prolific PL2303HX usb to serial connector like THIS one. It should be noted that the red power connector can be used to power the pi from the usb with usb current limitations. A better power supply would be to use the usual power inlet and disconnect this red pin.
Physical connection to the pins on the pi from the nearest corner outer row:-
There are a number of usable terminal emulators, I spent a great deal of time using Hyperterminal on earlier windows trying to send DTMF tones and commanding modems, but PuTTY seems to be as good as anything. In the config, select "serial" in the connection type, and it should be possible to find the COMPORT in the windows device manager. Older computers used d type connectors for serial populating com1 to com4 and usb would start at com5, however my current pc has allocated com4.
To disable the getty on the serial pins either for security or to reuse the pins:- save and reboot. | ||
It is coded mostly using Vi, or at least the edit function of MC,
but also sometimes using Notepad++ or wordpad on Window$.
Images are processed using GIMP, Imagemagick or PSP7.
It was designed to be 800 pixels wide in 2003 to ensure resolution issues are not big issues.
This has proven to be a good move as the website works as is on most smart phones.
More information on the freely available software is available from the link on the sites home page.
If you have any questions, just contact me using the message function on the home page.