Yeah, We got Pi!
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Desktop Environments

I doubt the pi would run a full gui of Gnome leave alone the full weight of KDE but I have had windowmaker and fluxbox running rather well on a B+ (before a power outage corrupted the sd card). I should explore using different guis (wayland?) and note how to install and set as default, vnc, and as a remote x session on nix and doze. I may also choose some lightweight desktop apps such as mail, browser, office, media and imaging.


Fluxbox on VNC

Assuming vnc server is not yet installed therefore ~/.vnc/* has not been created.

 sudo apt-get install fluxbox tightvncserver;
Start the server for the first time to create the config folder and files. Set a password when prompted, then stop it again.
tightvncserver -geometry 800x600 :1
tightvncserver -kill :1
Now edit the vnc config file to add fluxbox.
vi ~/.vnc/xstartup
comment with a hash the following line to look like this:-
and add the following at the bottom
fluxbox &
not forgetting the ampersand (&). save and close.

(untested) to select fluxbox as the default gui use the following:-

sudo update-alternatives --config x-session-manager
select openbox. (/untested)

Adding items to the fluxbox menu

Most items can be found on the menu and this is a good place to add anything else you would like to keep close at hand. The menu you see is dynamically created by the os at
and then included to the main menu. I prefer to include a second menu of my own then slowly maintain and populate it as I see fit.
so navigate to the fluxbox directory, create a file called confmenu and include it in the menu file.

 cd ~/.fluxbox;ls 
 > confmenu
 vi menu
add the following above the existing "include" entry.
next lets add some stuff to this menu.
vi /home/pi/.fluxbox/confmenu
  [exec] (Bash) {x-terminal-emulator -T "Bash" -e /bin/bash --login} <>
  [exec] (confmenu) {leafpad /home/pi/.fluxbox/confmenu} <>
    [exec] (graygrad1) {fbsetroot -gradient Vertical -from grey20 -to black} <>
    [exec] (graygrad2) {fbsetroot -gradient Horizontal -from grey10 -to blue} <>
The simple menu entry syntax of :-
 [ exec ] ( menu entry ) { command } < icon > 
 [ submenu ]( groupname ){ }
 [ end ]
menu branches.

light weight gui apps

  • sudo apt-get install claws-mail claws-mail-extra-plugins
  • sudo apt-get install epiphany-browser
  • sudo apt-get install abiword
  • sudo apt-get install gnumeric
  • sudo apt-get install xfe
  • sudo apt-get install vlc
  • sudo apt-get install pinta

Beaver Text Editor

sudo dpkg -i beaver_0.4.1-1_armhf.deb

Adding Fonts
for all users:-
sudo chmod 777 /usr/local/share/fonts/
drop your new ttf in to /usr/local/share/fonts
then run fc-cache -fv to update the font repository with your new font.
for a single user create and use ~/.fonts/ instead.

Chrome browser




sudo dpkg -i libgcrypt11_1.5.0-5+deb7u4_armhf.deb

sudo dpkg -i chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra_45.0.2454.85-0ubuntu0.

sudo dpkg -i chromium-browser_45.0.2454.85-0ubuntu0.

apt-get -f install  # to fix dependancies


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